Music ministry

Our  11:00am service provides an opportunity to worship in the traditional setting with the talents of our gifted musicians. 

These meaningful times together as the community of faith are coordinated around the liturgical calendar and

celebrate our rich heritage as Christians and United Methodist.

Handbells: The carilLion choir

The Handbell choir uses both handbells and chimes. They meet on most Tuesday evenings at 6:45 during the school year. It helps if you can read music, however, if you can count up to four and know your left hand from your right, we can help you learn to play handbells! We need both men and women. Youth over the age of 14 are welcome also.  

Chancel Choir

Chancel Choir Practice - During the school year, practice is at 6:45 pm on Wednesday. We invite anyone who would like to sing worship music to join us.